Tom Owens' work, from one of his storyboards for "Over the Hedge". Just as a geek production note: the numbers at lower right represent the sequence and the individual panel; i.e., this is from sequence 1831, drawing 1259
Dreamworks has done something interesting in conjunction with the release of "Over The Hedge": they've actually posted a bit of visual development and a few storyboard examples, which you can see here. And the art is attributed, which little detail has me grinning broadly in the general direction of the publicity department. I wish the boards were more than the few panels they are, but hey--small caveat; it's as far as I know fairly unprecedented to release this sort of thing before the DVD comes out(if then). It's a good thing.
Hey Jenny. Thanks for bringing this to our attention. The boards look great. Jakob Jensen's work is also very amazing.
What a great drawing!
That Tom Owens draws like and SOB!!!
John-you can say that again; my only beef with the boards they posted on Yahoo is that 4 drawings does not a sequence make--but I'll settle for these anytime. : )
James-yep, it's all great stuff. Plenty more where that came from, too! I love that they(publicity? marketing? I don't know) did this.
Jenny- Are we likely to see your boards at some point?
The dreamworks roster looks pretty amazing...and I have to second what John said. Those drawings are really great!
Hope to get meet those guys someday.
What?!?! Story artists getting credits outside of the endless scroll of job titles and names that come at the end of the film? Fantastic!
This is a cool one. I'm not going to look at the boards yet, though, cuz I haven't seen the film. I don't want to spoil anything.
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