a frame from "Emily & le hamsterosaurus-Rex", © Aurélie Blard-Quintard 2006
I'm staggered...can this cool little film really have been made by the quiet girl I sat in life drawing with today, Aurélie Blard-Quintard? I think so!
I could catch glimpses of her lovely life drawings, but little did I know she'd done this. Go have a look at her school end of term project:
Emily & le hamsterosaurus-Rex
A hamster-T-rex named Profiterole? What's not to love?
Click on it and watch it, you won't be sorry...I love her designs, her animation--there's wonderful, natural, expressive posing--in clay, no less...all her ideas are fun and it's paced just right. Terrific!
I had a celebrity in my car today--lucky for her I hadn't seen this yet or I'd have no doubt embarrassed her with gushing. à demain, eh?
And here's her blog with more goodies: Aurélie
Charming and delightful.
Aurélie is indeed a talented film maker.
Awesome find, Jenny, thanks! Those really are amazing eye and mouth shapes for clay. And just the right amount of vocals...
^-^ thank you so much Jenny for this very kind post.
I'm glad you liked the film
It was a pleasure to meet you in personn too: i've spend hours reading your blog! you're doing great at preserving the animation legacy.
I see you soon :)
Thanks for bringing this to my attention! Very nice indeed!
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