I've had a lot of emails asking where, post-Comic-Con, one can acquire one of these swell self-published sketchbooks by everyone's favorite Lilo artist, director Chris Sanders. I didn't know myself, but here's some very helpful information from an anonymous reader of the Diaries:
"I ran into Chris Sanders at the very end on Sunday night... the rest of his sketchbooks (which are AMAZING, by the way!) went to Stuart Ng and Bud Plant... you should be able to get them online very soon."
Many thanks, anonymous! And thanks to Chris for doing the book and manning a booth at the Con--please don't let it be the last of them.
Woohoo! I've been searching the net for it since your post. Thanks.
Good news. I dropped Stuart Ng an email last night, hopefully they'll have a few left. Thanks for the tip!
I spent Monday morning talking with Chris about the Con. He really enjoyed it, but found some aspects of this annual event kinda creepy. But, that goes with the territory I guess.
His new sketchbook is really cool. As if Chris doesn't have enough to do.
This won't be the last. Chris encouraged me to do a book and get a booth, and is encouraging others to do the same. When I saw him, he looked like he was having a ball. He even talked to some guy's girlfriend over his cell phone in the Stitch voice.
I dropped by Stuart's this afternoon and picked up a copy from him. I think he has more but I'm not 100% on that. It's http://www.stuartngbooks.com/
Wonderful news from Stuart Ng. I recieved an email from them earlier to tell me that they'd put one aside for me. If you email them, they may have some more available. $12 + $5 S&H within the US.
v ery nice i will visit you again!
I got one also. Thanks for the tip, Jenny et al!
ditto on getting a copy from Stuart NG..nice folks there. Thanks for directing us there. Cheers, A
It arrived this morning from Stuart Ng -- and worth every penny! Thanks for letting me know this book existed, Jenny! :)
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