From the collection of veteran Disney story artist and comics guy Don Dougherty come these terrific shots of Walt enjoying his obsession, apparently taken at the studio. As to who's who and exactly what year these were shot, I'm open to suggestions.
EDITED TO ADD: A commenter named Steve offered this great extrapolation on the photos:
"The top and bottom photos, as I recall (don't have my Broggie book in front of me) was taken in December 1949 during the Lilly Belle's first steam up. That's Eddie Sargent standing between Walt and Roger. He did the drawings for the Lilly Belle.
The British engine with Walt in the middle was never run at Carolwood--it was damaged as it was being shipped over from England. However, you may want to note that when Walt was in the store buying that engine, another gentleman was trying to buy it as well. His name was Harper Goff. He didn't get the engine, but he did get a job at the Disney studios.
Must be clicked to see them better. Thanks for sharing, Don[and Steve]!
Walt Disney's barn where he built his trains is in Griffith Park next to Ollie Johnston's miniature train depot.
They are open to visitors the third Sunday of each month.
Does anyone know if walt's train is there as well?
the one that he use to ride in the backyard.
That's Roger Broggie on the left in the light check shirt.
And yes, the same engine, marked 6000 on the side is there, along with a lot of other wonders.
I love that Walt wears a tie under his apron while working on the trains. They were different times.
The top and bottom photos, as I recall (don't have my Broggie book in front of me) was taken in December 1949 during the Lilly Belle's first steam up. That's Eddie Sargent standing between Walt and Roger. He did the drawings for the Lilly Belle.
The British engine with Walt in the middle was never run at Carolwood--it was damaged as it was being shipped over from England. However, you may want to note that when Walt was in the store buying that engine, another gentleman was trying to buy it as well. His name was Harper Goff. He didn't get the engine, but he did get a job at the Disney studios.
Steve, thank you for those great comments that identify the photographs. Much appreciated!
Blatherbibble(fantastic name!): I joined the very worthy Carolwood Society last year after Ollie Johnston died--and I still (much to my embarrassment) haven't been to Walt's barn, which is literally across the freeway! But I will, soon. There's a good Blackwing post in that, I'm sure.
Don also has many more wonderful photos, even better than these two, which he's offered to share with everyone. He's tops.
I'm also a Carolwood member, and a volunteer at the barn. You're in for a treat once you finally make a visit. You'll have to at least make it out for the 10th anniversary on July 18th.
Some more information:
This was the first test-firing of the Lilly Belle. It occured at the Studio in Sound Stage One, on Saturday, December 24, 1949--the day of the Studio Christmas Party.
The gentleman in white standing directly behind Eddie Sargeant is Willie Gillis, who assisted with the construction of the engine's tender.
Great comments!
I can't wait to see the Blackwing report on Walt's barn.
Thanks for the tips everyone! I took my three-year-old, choo-choo-loving daughter there today, and we both had the best of times.
She enjoyed using the "clicker." It is not often we get to see a child born in this century communicating via telegraph.
My thanks to all of the volunteers at Walt's barn. They all could not have been any friendlier.
I am sure we will be back again and again.
Yoo Hoo, fellow Carolwood member! You can take a virtual trip to Walt's barn and the Disney Tunnel on my Disney Echo Eyes and EchoEars Travel Blog here: http://disneyecho.wordpress.com/2008/07/15/walts-barn/ and http://disneyecho.wordpress.com/2008/12/07/disney-tunnel-at-griffith-park/
-Rich Koster
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