original illustration courtesy of the Kevin Kidney blog; for Walt Disney magazine
Kevin Kidney has two abiding obsessions: Tiki art and Disney art. If you ever think either of those is overexposed and you've seen it all already--believe me, you haven't until you've been to his blog.
I mean, the man's a serious collector as well as talented veteran designer-his taste is exquisite. Go over to his place and see if you don't agree.
Just recently he's been posting beautiful, rarely-seen advertising and illustration art done by WDP artists.

Kevin's got the originals of these magazine illos--the better to appreciate their vibrant color and crisp design--and all doubtless whipped up on tight deadlines as if they were nothing.
My first "art" job was at Disneyland in the same department as Kevin. I remember thinking back then "So this is what an artist does for a living. I'd like to do that some day." Thanks for the inspiration Kevin!
By the way, if I'm not mistaken, Kevin also designed reproduction of the Hyperion sign that's featured in the following post about the Walt Disney Animation Studios website.
You go that far back with Mr. Miehana? I had no idea you'd done that at the Park! How neat.
You're certainly not mistaken-there's a credit attached to the screengrab, but I had to size the entire thing down so that it's unfortunately become miniscule--it's indeed Kevin's work on the sign replica, done with Jody Daily. All his Disney stuff is just perfect. I'm a huge fan of his.
Hi, Jenny. I'm current calarts student now. I randomly found your blogspot from google.. your stuffs are amazing. I love them! Would you mind if I add you in my artists list? Have a nice day!
Hi, Jenny. I randomly found your blogspot from google, and I'm a current Calarts student! I thought, oh yeah of course she's from calarts. HAHA. I love your stuff! :) would u mind if I store your blogspot in my artists list?? Have a wonderful day!
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