Sep 1, 2008

Happy Labor Day! Disney Counter Service-menu #3

Here's the last-so far as I'm aware-of the circa 1940 Disney studio commissary menus.
Inside the contents are the same as the table menu(including the illustrations) so I won't scan the interior, but the back cover is special, featuring the offerings of the soda fountain:

Lime freeze for 15 cents, anyone?
I'd want these even if if they didn't have such wonderful illustrations on their covers, but luckily for us they do.

The other menus, for regular table service and a special one for breakfast, are in my earlier posts here and here.


  1. This looks like it was the best soda fountain in the world!

    Something right out of Medfield!

    A frosted rootbeer please!


  2. Great scan!

    Make that two rootbeers!

  3. Anonymous9/02/2008

    A quarter for a banana split? Such a deal!

  4. Yummy, yum, yummmy, Tor likey in Tor's tummy.

    But alas, after the quintuple heart
    by-pass just pass the lima beans.....ahhh, no butter, no salt, just the lima beans.

    Stay on groovin' safari,

  5. Anonymous9/03/2008


  6. I guess I must be one of the last people alive who sat at the Disney lunch counter. Ah, those were the good old days.

  7. Geez, with a sawbuck you could go hog wild in there - limeades for life!


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