Aug 5, 2007

An Earl Oliver Hurst Monday

image courtesy of American Art Archives
If he wasn't in animation, he sure could have been--but then we'd likely be out all those fantastic covers and illustrations.
Posted here to porvide a little charm and inspiration for what's sure to be a busy week for wielders of Blackwings and styluses.


  1. I Totally love his work.Thank for those two posts Jenny.

  2. love looking through your blog..just found it..

  3. Lookit that beautiful brushwork.

  4. I love that Collier's cover - so free and festive. I'm not sure I'd ever heard of the artist!

  5. Yeah these are super nice! Thanks for sharing :)

  6. always very interesting posts here, jen, thanks. a lot of reading too since i've been on holiday for more than a month, the last one i've read was the Lou's New Yorker article -by the way, perfect italian there jen, bravissima!- ;)

    take care!

  7. A visit with Stuart Ng introduced me to Earl Oliver Hurst so I bought the "Art of" book and it's a dandy.

    There is actually a lot of his original magazine art for sale online and most of it is quite affordable. (My wife and I are kicking ourselves for not getting one he did for Harper's Bazaar that Stuart had when where there..)

  8. Ya know... I'm looking at that Collier's Cover... and I can't figure out where the soldier's legs are. Is that his knee behind the orange square? If it is, his right thighbone must be broken in the middle. Something has gone wrong. The anatomy doesn't make sense.

  9. whaoooo,i didn t know the first one.thanks to post it.....


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