Mar 21, 2007

Tips on Animation, part 2

Courtesy of Dan Jenkins genrosity, here's the rest of the booklet "Tips on Animation". It's actually a very sober, accurate, solidly composed basic animation guide--again, I wish it had been available when I was growing up. There's no "talking down" here, even though the target audience is one of kids. And who can't love the offer to (for an unspecified fee) actually shoot the juior animators' tests, and return them?


  1. Great stuff! THanks for posting this! :)

  2. thank you SO MUCH. i love the way they draw the characters

  3. You're very welcome, guys!
    All the real credit goes to Dan, who out of the blue(I've never met him)offered to scan all this. There's more coming. : )

  4. Though it's been 7 years after the fact, has anymore showed up? Just asking, but I don't want to bug you on the matter if you've moved past that point by now.

  5. Christopher-no, no more has come my way.


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