Jun 2, 2006


More studies for "Fantasia".


  1. Wow--
    These are all great Jenny,
    thanks for posting them!

  2. Thanks for posting these Jenny!

    All of the Fred Moore drawings you've been posting this past week are remarkable, but these heads and the melody time sketches make my hair stand on end, and I'm bald!

  3. Wow! You've been a busy blogger. Thanks for all the Moore stuff!

  4. My pleasure! And it is a pleasure--and not nearly as much work as it might seem.
    Labor of love, that's for sure. : )

  5. i always love seeing the rough sketches of the animators, really gets a sense of their thought process and intuition, so thanks for posting these.
    I'd love to see some of Bill Peet's work on Dalmations, its been hard to find any (for me anyway), and its defintely something i believe is worth seeing. Would you know where i could find this stuff? I'm a big fan of the layout/character designs and the overall style of the film....


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