Apr 18, 2006

Patrick et Rodolphe

Another plug--unasked for, as they all were...but Rodolphe Guenoden is just insanely crazily gifted and funny. Also very supportive and...did I mention funny? He's a hell of a hand with women--the drawn ones; his wife is the woman in the panel, so he knows how to draw beautiful girls. He's done at least one sketchbook, which is a must-have.

Here's a panel from one of his comics featuring himself and his wife at home on a Sunday. Rodolphe I became aware of on a long ago film where he interpreted and animated the sexiest mayan ever, Chel. He's got a lot of style, as does his entire family; on Halloween his clique rented film costumes from Universal and so at the lunch tables we were treated to a tableaux of he and his wife and friends in full Louis XVI regalia, wigs and all(they looked good, too). Now he's a story artist. His website's well worth a lot of clicking.
And while I'm in a French frame of mind, I can't forget my neighbor down the hall Patrick Mate.
. God, what a painter and caricaturist! Also just the kindest man you could find. Very lucky I am to be around such guys.
Note: both images swiped from the respective websites without permission at all; when they find out I'm in heap big trouble, so don't try this at home!


  1. Ah!ah!caught you.You're way to sweet Jenny."Chiche capon"to you.

  2. Those are genius. I can really relate to Rodolphe in that panel, though my nose isn't as big. Patrick's drawing is hilarious. I love the long hand, like a bunny's foot.

  3. wow great links, thanks for posting them. :)

  4. rod's the man. too good....too good.

  5. Rod is good people!! He never remembers my name but always my face, and he takes time to say hello and catch up...great guy all around...

  6. I can't wait to read all of Rodolphe's "Message in a Bottle" in the next Flight anthology! Just saw a preview here (scroll down a bit to see it).

  7. i just came across your blog, wow, someone who draws well AND who knows about Preston Sturges and Michael Powell. double dose of impressive.


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