Apr 17, 2006

Learn by doing--and looking

I've mentioned his new site before, but here I go again--because today's post on Dave Pimentel's blog, "Drawings From a Mexican", features not his own work but that of a few of the attendees in Dave's instructed life drawing class here at Dreamworks. Most of these folks are story artists, and all are tremendously talented colleagues of mine, I'm proud to say. Most of us have been on the same project(s) lately as well...but here we get to see how they differ in style and how strong they all are as draughtsmen.

I just fed on studying this kind of "rough" drawing as a teenager, and it was pretty hard to find back then in books(Bridgeman was one, Kley another). Thank goodness for the internet now. Just looking at these quick gesture drawings is an education for all of us who love the line. And Dave, an animator who did story a favor by becoming a story artist, learned plenty from Walt Stanchfield as well as setting a standard for keeping one's eyes and ears open as an artist all the time. If his site's not on your list yet--add it!



  1. Jenny gran he interesante blog...he puesto link en Perejilpuntocom.

    Saludos :)

  2. Anonymous4/18/2006

    Does Devin Crane have a blog? I really liked his gestures.



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