Dec 31, 2005

Happy New Year--and Merry Christmas, again--from Disney's in 1955

This is the front of the Disney Studio's 1955 Christmas card. It's quite a beautifully done thing; printed on a soft, high-quality paper, it's a large card that opens into a double-spread of the brand-spanking-new Disneyland, with a calendar running down the sides. I was unable to scan the entire thing, as it's just a bit longer than my scanner is. Great artwork--I don't know whose...anyone have any ideas?

May your fifty-years-on New Year be merry and bright!


  1. Anonymous1/05/2006

    I had a number of these cards during the 50's. I vaguely remember that one was signed by Art Riley, a background artist at the studio. His style looked a bit like these cards.

  2. Michael, thanks for the info. This particular card, unfortunately, isn't signed anywhere(besides the cover and inside as hown here there's also a small graphic on the back, with only a tiny "WDP" copyright)...I'll have to look up Art Riley now.

  3. Anonymous1/18/2006

    Disney Auctions just sold exactly this card, item 6593754673, for $491.55... They call it " DISNEY John Hench Studio Christmas Card 1955" - but that seems to be because it was from John Hench's estate (by way of Howard Lowery). Take good care of it ;-)

  4. You bet I will! Thanks for the info...almost $500? I am surprised(I'd have estimated 200 max, myself--but as with any of these things, it's the rarity and what the bidder is willing to pay). I wonder if it could have been painted by Hench? it's possible. Hmmm...

  5. It also looks like a possible Mary Blair. The stylization and colors are her signature. The children's faces look more like here alice look and less like Small World. Hmm


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